麦当劳、肯德基、星巴克 中英文餐牌 点餐全攻略

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McDonald's Menu

大冷饮(雪碧,可口可乐) Large Drink (7up、coke)
标准冷饮(雪碧,可口可乐) Regular Drink
巧克力/草莓/香草奶昔 Chocolate /Strawberry /Vanilla Shake
汉堡 Hamburger  双层汉堡 Double Hamburger
吉士汉堡 Cheeseburger  双层吉士汉堡 Double Cheeseburger
巨无霸 Big Mac  麦香鱼 Filet-O-Fish
标准薯条 Regular Fries  大薯条 Large Fries
麦香鱼 Filet-O-Fish  麦香鸡汉堡 McChicken Sandwich
麦辣鸡翅 Spicy Chicken Wings  热红茶 Hot Tea
热巧克力 Hot Chocolate  咖啡 Coffee
标准/大杯橙汁 Regular/Large O.J.  苹果/菠萝派 Apple/ Pineapple Pie
巧克力圣代 Chocolate Sundae  菠萝圣代 Pineapple Sundae
猪柳蛋 Sausage and Egg Muffine  火腿蛋---Bacon and Egg Muffine
猪柳饼---Plain Sausage Muffine  薯仔饼---Hash Brown
全早餐---Big Breakfast  蛋筒---Soft cones
麦旋风---Mc-Flurry  鲜奶---Milk
麦乐鸡---Chicken McNuggets  巨无霸---Big Mac
板烧鸡腿汉堡包---Grilled Chicken Filet Burger
珍宝三角---*** Wrap  番茄酱---ketchup
烧烤酱---BBQ sauce  芥末酱---Hot mustard
餐巾纸---napkin  吸管---straw
七喜---7-up  百事可乐---Pesi-cola
可口可乐---Coca-cola  可乐---cola
迷你套餐---mini meal[中国貌似没有这个套餐...挺便宜的,不打税是3块]

KFC's Menu

土豆泥: Mashed Potatoes  玉米沙拉:corn salad
鸡肉卷: Chicken Loaf  原味鸡: Original Recipe
烤鸡翅: Roast Chicken Wings  鸡米花: Chicken Popcorn
大鸡腿: Fresh Grade Legs  小鸡腿: Chicken Drumsticks
鸡胸肉: Fresh Grade Breast  鸡翅膀: Chicken Wings
鳕鱼: ling  上校鸡块套餐  Combo
烧烤酱 BBQ Sauce  酸甜酱 Sweet and Sour
炸鸡块 fried chicken  香辣鸡翅 Hot Wings
上校鸡块 Colonels Crispy Strips  鸡米花popcorn chicken
鸡肉卷 twister  玉米棒 corn on the cob
香辣鸡块Hot & Spicy chicken  鸡腿汉堡KFC Snacker
辣味鸡hot and spicy chicken  田园脆鸡堡 mini burger
深海鳕鱼堡 cod fish burger  川辣嫩牛五方 beef wrap
吮指原味鸡 original recipe fried chicken
香辣/劲脆鸡腿堡 zinger burger/extra-tasty crispy burger
新奥尔良烤鸡腿堡 new orleans roasted burger
墨西哥/老北京鸡肉卷 mexican/dragon twister
生菜: Lettuce  黄瓜: cuke
大葱: scallion  胡萝卜: carrot
青豆: string bean  韩国泡菜:Kimchi
饮料: Beverage  ['bev?rid?]
雪碧:sprite [sprait]  可口可乐 Coca Cola
百事: Pepsi-Cola  七喜: 7-Up
美年达: Mirinda Orange  芬达: fanta
红茶: Black Tea  咖啡: Coffee
果汁: syrup   橙汁: Orange Juice
炸薯条: French Fries  番茄酱:tomato Sauce / Ketchup
汤: soup  面包: bread
甜点: Pastries  蛋挞: Egg Tart / Egg Cake
圣代: Sundae  甜筒: Ice-cream cone
草莓: Strawberry   蓝莓: Blueberry
玩具: toy  马克杯: Mug
优惠券: Saver ticket  纸巾: Paper tower / napkin
手套: glove   吸管: Straw 
搅拌棒: muddler   勺子: scoop  

Starbucks' Menu  

1.热饮系列:Hot espresso
拿铁:Caffe latte
香草拿铁:Vanilla latte
美式咖啡:Caffe Americano
摩卡: Caffe Mocha
焦糖玛奇朵: Caramel Macchiato
浓缩咖啡: Espresso
浓缩康保蓝:Espresso Con Panna
浓缩玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato
2、冰饮系列:Iced Espresso
冰拿铁:Iced Caffe Latte
冰香草拿铁:Iced Vanilla Latte
冰摩卡:Iced Caffe Mocha
冰焦糖玛奇朵:Iced Caramel Macchiato
第二部分:星冰乐 Frappuccino
1、咖啡系列:Blended Coffee
咖啡星冰乐: Coffee
2、无咖啡系列:Blended Cream
抹茶星冰乐:Green Tea
3、果茶系列:Blended Juice
芒果西蕃莲果茶星冰乐:Mango PassionFruit
第三部分:咖啡和茶 Coffee & Tea
1、新鲜调制咖啡 Brewed Coffee
本周精选咖啡:Coffee of The Week
密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto
冰调制咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee
2、泰舒茶 Tazo Tea
抹茶拿铁:Green Tea Latte
英式咖啡:English Breakfast
伯爵红茶:Earl Grey
冰摇泰舒茶:Iced Shaken Tea
冰摇柠檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea
3、其他饮料 Other Favorite
经典热巧克力(含牛奶):Signature Hot Chocolate(contain dairy)
冰经典巧克力(含牛奶):Iced Signature Chocolate(contain dairy)
豆奶:Soy Milk
气泡矿泉水:Sparkling Mineral Water
矿泉水:Mineral Water
瓶装星冰乐:Bottled Frappuccino


Caffè Misto咖啡米斯托

Equal parts rich-brewed coffee and frothy steamed milk!


Clover® Brewed Coffee三葉草 ®研磨咖啡

If you want a truly special cup of coffee, prepared just for you, made to order with carefully selected single-origin coffees or interesting blends

如果你想要一杯真正特別的咖啡 只有特別為你而準備  不妨點一杯特選的單品咖啡或加些有趣的組合  出游订 

Decaf Pike Place™ Roast低卡派克當地炭考咖啡

A smooth, balanced brew from a specialty blend of decaffeinated coffees.

均勻滑順的口感  專業現調混式低咖啡因咖啡

Iced Coffee with Milk冰牛奶咖啡

Freshly brewed Starbucks® Terraza Blend served chilled and slightly sweetened on ice.

現煮星巴克® 泰瑞沙混式冰涼微甜咖啡

Pike Place™ Roast派克當地炭考咖啡

A smooth, balanced brew from a specialty roast of blended coffees.

均勻滑順的口感  專業現調混式咖啡

Hot Chocolate熱巧克力

Steamed milk with vanilla- and mocha-flavored syrups. Topped with sweetened whipped cream and chocolate-flavored drizzle.

奶泡混合著香草和摩卡口味的糖漿  淋上鮮奶油並灑上巧克力口味的小屑

White Hot Chocolate香熱白巧克力

Hot chocolate with white chocolate- and vanilla-flavored syrups. Topped with sweetened whipped cream.

熱巧克力  白巧克力和香草口味的糖漿淋上香甜鮮奶油 

Caffè Americano美式咖啡

Rich, full-bodied espresso with hot water in true European style.

香濃的濃縮咖啡加上滾燙熱水  有著純真歐式風情

Caffè Latte 拿鐵

Rich, full-bodied espresso in steamed milk, lightly topped with foam.


Caffè Mocha摩卡

Espresso with bittersweet mocha sauce and steamed milk. Topped with sweetened whipped cream.

濃縮咖啡  配上酸甜摩卡 香濃熱蒸奶並淋上滑順鮮奶油 


Espresso with steamed milk, topped with a deep layer of foam.

濃縮咖啡  香濃熱蒸奶  並覆上綿密的奶泡 

Caramel Macchiato焦糖瑪奇朵

Freshly steamed milk with vanilla-flavored syrup, marked with espresso and finished with caramel sauce.

香濃熱蒸奶上以濃縮咖啡  香草  純正焦糖醬做完美搭配 


Smooth and versatile Espresso Roast is the very heart and soul of Starbucks. Made with our own Espresso Roast.

來自Starbucks濃縮烘焙咖啡  滑順醇厚 是Starbucks  的鎮店之寶 

Espresso Con Panna 濃縮康保藍

Espresso topped with whipped cream.


Iced Caffè Mocha冰摩卡

Espresso combined with bittersweet mocha sauce and milk over ice. Topped with sweetened whipped cream.

濃縮咖啡  配上酸甜摩卡  牛奶的沁涼組合  並淋上滑順鮮奶油

Iced Caramel Macchiato冰焦糖瑪奇朵

Espresso combined with vanilla-flavored syrup, milk and caramel sauce over ice.

濃縮咖啡  牛奶與香草的口味的組合  並淋上純正的焦糖醬做完美搭配

Iced Flavored Latte 冰拿鐵

Full-bodied espresso with cold milk and your choice of syrup, poured over ice.

濃縮咖啡與牛奶的沁涼組合 並配上你所選的特級糖漿

Iced Peppermint Mocha 冰薄荷摩卡

Espresso, milk, mocha-flavored sauce and peppermint-flavored syrup over ice. Topped with sweetened whipped cream and chocolate curls.

濃縮咖啡  配上摩卡  薄荷糖漿  及牛奶的沁涼組合  並淋上滑順鮮奶油和巧克力捲

Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha薄荷白巧克力摩卡

Espresso with white chocolate and peppermint flavored syrups and steamed milk. Topped with sweetened whipped cream and dark chocolate curls.

濃縮咖啡  配上白巧克力醬  薄荷糖漿  及牛奶的沁涼組合  並淋上滑順鮮奶油和巧克力捲

White Chocolate Mocha 白巧克力摩卡

Espresso with white chocolate flavored sauce and steamed milk. Topped with sweetened whipped cream.

濃縮咖啡  配上白巧克力醬及及牛奶的組合  並淋上滑順鮮奶油

