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Nike generally refers to Nike,headquartered in Oregon, Beaverton, is the world's leading sporting goodsmanufacturer. The company produces all kinds of sporting goods: clothing,footwear, sports equipment and so on.





In 1972, NIKE was formally established. Itspredecessor was the incumbent president Phil NIKE and Bill Knight coachBowerman blue sports investment company.




In 2001, Nike developed a new type of slowvibration technology named Shox after developing air cushion technology. Sportsshoes produced by this technology are also popular, and sales are climbing. Inaddition to sports shoes, Nike's clothing is also innovative. For example, highperformance textiles made with FIT technology can effectively help athletestrain and compete in any weather conditions. Other sporting goods manufacturedby Nike, such as watches, glasses and so on, are the crystallization of hightechnology.




In 80s, Nike products began to enter commonpeople's homes (especially teenagers) from track and field and gymnasium. Nikemust not lose the traditional formal sports market situation, try to expandNike advertising appeal, so Nike must like Levi's (jeans brand leadership brandjeans inventor Livy Strauss), became part of the youth culture and identitysymbol. Nike is fighting in two completely different markets, and the problemis how to achieve balance and consistency in adapting to popular awareness andpublicizing sports achievements. Nike has begun to rethink its advertisingstrategy.




A propaganda Nike 1986 advertisingpneumatic sock was a real breakthrough in the ad, Nike adopted a new idea,instead of using the usual way blindly promote product technical performanceand advantages of the famous song "but played by a representative andsymbol of the hippie famous Beatles revolution", in the rebel figure thenew rhythm and melody, a group wearing products as crazy as Americansintoxicated for fitness training,...... This advertisement exactly caters tothe appearance of the change of fitness and the new trend of the times, whichmakes the feeling fresh and fresh. Nike has been using the original magazine asthe main advertising media, transfer product information to the sports players,but since then, television advertising has become the main"spokesman" for Nike, the move makes Nike advertising can adapt tothe new development of the market of its products.






公司创始人比尔•鲍尔曼自1947年从俄勒冈大学毕业后一直留校担任田径教练,曾经训练出世界田径史上的传奇人物--Steve Prefontaine。比尔•鲍尔曼幼年时家境贫寒,坎坷的经历培养了他铁一般的意志。


Company founder Bill Bormann since 1947after graduating from University of Oregon, she has been a track coach, oncetrained in World Athletics legend --Steve Prefontaine. Bill Bormann childhoodfamily was poor, rough experience training his iron will.




The current chairman and CEO Philip knight,as one of the two main founders of the company, is equally important to thedevelopment of Nike. In 1959, Knight graduated from University of Oregon andreceived his bachelor's degree in business administration. A year later, hewent to the prestigious Stanford University to study for master of businessadministration. In the years to come, two alumni joined hands to help thecompany grow and develop.




Today, Nike's manufacturing and operatingactivities across the world's six continents, the total number of employeesreached 22000 people. The company's suppliers, shippers, retailers and otherservices are close to 1 million people.


